SafeSpace Living staff are comprised of a team of qualified Social Workers and Residential Family Workers. Our staff have a range of skills which allows us to offer positive contributions to our families. Our staff are aware that families may find it difficult to reside with us if it has not been their initial choice. To support families, staff will offer regular consultation and key work sessions to support and encourage families developing their choices for the future.
Families are encouraged to participate in weekly house meetings to share their views and ensure their voice is heard. Families also have the opportunity to meet with the Independent Regulation 25 Visitor who will ensure that the families welfare and needs are being met and any difficulties are raised with staff and management without delay.
At SafeSpace Living, we work openly and transparently with families and professionals. We believe that the family's voice is essential to working in partnership and achieving good outcomes. We have Independent Panel Members who meet the families on a regular basis to ensure that families feel heard and their views are included and promoted throughout the assessment process.